The cool comfort solution

The cool comfort solution

Instructions For Use

Download the Instructions For Use documents for each individual Coolject product below.

Coolelect instructions for use.

CoolJect Topical Anesthetic

A bottle of coolect's eyedrops on a white background.
Coolelect instructions for use.

CoolJect Syringe Holding Accessory CJ01050

A white plastic clip on a white background.
Coolelect instructions for use.

CoolJect Topical Anesthetic Canister VM02000-00

A bottle of cosmeceutical cream on a black background.
Coolelect instructions for use.

CoolJect Syringe Holding Nozzle Accessory VM01000-00

A white plastic handle on a black background.
Coolelect instructions for use.

CoolJect High-Efficiency Nozzle Accessory VM01100-00

A white plastic plug on a black background.

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